Dear Parent……….. Know your Child:

Dear Parent……….. Know your Child:
*  When you discipline your child, make it clear that it is the behavior that you are condemning, and not him.
*  It is important to develop in your child the ability to take right decisions. But it is more important to develop in him the courage to face life when the decisions go wrong.
*  A little patience can make all the difference between wanting to be good parents and actually being one whenever you are about to lose patience with your child, just pause and remember your own childhood!
*  Do not shield your child form every upsetting situation. It will make him unfit to handle the reality of life.
*  Don’t tell your child how to do things. Tell her what to do. You’d be surprised at how she finds her own ingenious methods of doing them.
*  Respect your child, irrespective of his age or size.
*  He too has a self – esteem;
*  He too has feelings like you.
*  Respect the view point of our child. His saying “No” to you doesn’t mean he is undermining your authority but has a view different form yours.
*  Never talk about your child’s teacher with disrespect. The moment the child sees his parents make fun of the caliber or the authority of his teachers stops. And so does his learning.

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