Highlights of Kennedy

Curriculum and Teaching: 
We follow the curriculum as per state govt. the teaching is customized to suit the needs of the learners. Continuous comprehensive evaluation (CCE) is followed to regularize the assessment pattern and diagnose the gaps in learning for the betterment of scholastic and other aspects of every student. Formative and summative are part of scholastic standards, and life-skills attitudinal development, enhancement of values form a part of co-scholastic standards.
 School is the foundation for a child’s future and teachers are the architects who shapes the child’s future”
Teachers not only impart knowledge but also play a pivotal role in influencing the young minds and set them on the right path. We ensure that our faculty members are well – qualified, experienced, enthusiastic professionals, who teach and inspire students by being their idols in every way, and nurture them to achieve excellence.

Education is a pretty broad concept for learning that scaffolds quest for knowledge. At KENNEDY we have well stacked library with books from various fields.
ICT (information communication technology):
Through ICT education we teach students the skills of computing and communication device. We have a specious computer laboratory to manage and maintain the standard of “Digital Literacy”.

The pursuit of all round excellence….
With a view to nurture the practical talents of students, the school has well equipped laboratories for
Physical science
Biological science
Av support /digital classes:
“It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words”
To help learners grasp a concept. We have AV rooms/Digital rooms to visually represent the areas of learning that are taught.
An integral part of the education process is getting students to and fro school safely. The school transportation is organized to provide service to students coming from different areas.

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